Thursday, July 24, 2008

track rox

Yay ... i got my track and field tee shirt le ! i should ssay that it is sleek.....quite cool!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Milk run...

Sianzzz...Todae got milk Run .Wa lao some more must run 4.5 km sia...luckily i in cross country lo ! Juz hop tat Ragupathy and terence Not like last time go pangseh me and lao chuan!!!So wish me luck ladies and gentlemen...

Friday, July 4, 2008


Wow! I like the debate between the "british" and the "locals".Giggs was funny hahas>... Sad to say the "locals" won haha.... Go locals go !!!!!

Introduction to myself(spam)

I am from Saint joseph's Institution(SJI)... What about u??
I love soccer ....What bout you??
i hate reading books ... What bout you??


Juz louk at it

4/7/08 friday

Ah....normal school day ,juz homework and homework and more homework ...
haha today no training and i stayed back juz 4 soccer ... But while playing soccer betrand kick the ball and it flew and directly hit the glass window... I juz pray that he would learn from his mistake and never to ram the too hard and also repent...